Technical experience is a “must” for a good translation
University degree in Economic Science
After graduating from high school, I went on to study Economic Science at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) in Paris where I was awarded the DESS External Trade diploma in external trade after completing a five-year degree course. This not only provided me with a deep knowledge of Economics, but also immersed me in the French language and culture – an amazing and truly enjoyable experience.
Initial work experience in a variety of branches
After completing my studies, I first worked as Advertising Manager at a marketing agency specialised in direct marketing and designing communication campaigns for high tech companies. I then moved on to work as Communication Manager for a backup software manufacturer in Paris. In this role, I was responsible for the company’s international communications. This involved working with journalists and composing elaborate press, marketing and advertising texts in English before translating them into German and French. Back in Germany, I worked in the International Sales Department at an abrasive manufacturing company where I was assigned to international customer relationship management. This role also involved interpreting (English and French) for overseas guests during tours of the factory
Activity as a translator
During the time I spent preparing for life as a freelance business translator, I studied for and successfully passed the translator examinations at the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in 2007/2008. In order to build on the legal knowledge base that had I acquired during my studies, I participated in the Summer School of Legal Language organised by the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) in 2011. This provided me with a solid basis for legal translation work and qualified me for certification at the Regional Court in Hanover.
Today, the expertise I have gained over the course of time provides an excellent foundation for my work as a translator. I am networked with numerous colleagues from a wealth of backgrounds with huge experience in producing professional technical, economic and legal translations – just what you need for a “polished” translation – one that flows and sounds like it has been written by a native-speaker.
Through regular participation in technical and legal training workshops and professional translator seminars, I strive to continually deepen, enlarge and consolidate my knowledge base and experience.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to read more about my previous translation experience in the technical, business and legal sectors – simply click through the following pages to find out more.
If you have to translate a document on any subject that is not mentioned on this website, please do not hesitate to contact me! I would be happy to support you with similar, related topics – made possible through intensive collaboration with numerous translator colleagues in a broad network – all of whom are experts in their special areas of expertise. Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you require further assistance. I would be happy to advise and support you!