Quality is my top priority!
Quality is and always has been my top priority! This is why it was extremely important to me to obtain a translator qualification in addition to my studies in Economic Science. I successfully passed the examinations for English at the Chamber of Commerce in Cologne (2007) and French at the Chamber of Commerce in Dortmund (2008) which qualified me as a translator in both languages. For more information, please refer to Qualifications.
My work concentrates on translating specialised technical texts. You will find me in the list of recommended translators at the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) and tekom e.V., the German Association for Technical Communication. I am also listed in the database of legal translators and interpreters. For further information, please refer to Memberships.
I was officially certified as a translator/interpreter by the Regional Court of Hanover, which is responsible for the certification of all translators and interpreters in my region (Lower Saxony), in 2012. This certification is only awarded to applicants that fulfil the highest quality standards and who demonstrate a high level of legal expertise.
I work on a regular basis with a number of carefully-chosen and highly-qualified translators in an international network according to the four eyes principle. These colleagues are native speakers and real professionals with a broad range of experience in translating into a range of different target languages.
It goes without saying that all translations, documents and customer details are handled in strict confidence.