Native speaker and four eyes principle

Top quality translations: Cooperation with native speakers according to the “four eyes principle”

Nobody knows a language as good as a native speaker – only a native speaker is familiar with all the finest shades and peculiarities of his/her mother tongue. Whenever I translate a text that is due to be published, e.g. on a website, in product or company descriptions or marketing and sales documents, I work with a native speaker according to the four eyes principle: Either my fellow translator translates the text and I proofread it afterwards or vice versa.

The exception proves the rule…

I only make one exception: If the customer expressly requests that the translation is done by me and by me alone. This may be a consequence of the client’s internal privacy policy or in the case where it is essential that the document be kept secret – at least in the interim. In such cases, I refrain from collaborating with my fellow translators – although I know that they are 100% trustworthy.

Confidentiality and professionalism are my two golden rules

I work exclusively with reliable, trustworthy and professional specialist translators who have successfully completed a translator training course. Some of these professionals also have experience and training in others fields (e.g. engineering, law, economics, etc.).